Posted by Krysbrem 5 comments

And it totally isn't my fault! Alissa mention fabric shopping on Etsy, so me being me had to have a look and see..... It resulted in me finding....

Fabricworm ~ they are US based but have some awesome fabric choices and even packages.

What did I get I hear you asking, well two different packs and I can't wait for them to arrive :)

Joel Dewberry.

Keri Beyer.

So I have 9 yards in totally coming and I can't wait. Now to find some new ideas and yet my new sewing machine ;)


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5 Responses

  1. Liss says:

    ooh!!! LOVE it.. which exact ones did you get or did you get all of them lmao!

  2. Krysbrem says:

    I may or may not have gotten ALL OF THEM!

  3. Kat says:

    love the colours, so when exactly are you taking orders? :)

  4. Penelope says:

    Yep that's right...blame me! I get the blame for everything LOL!

    (I may or may not have a pile of stuff coming too)

  5. Lisa says:

    Oh you're a BAD influence!!! Some of that fabric is gorgeous!!! I think I need to get a good shorts pattern... any ideas for me??