Woddle Bots is proud to be sponsoring a Green Promise Nappy in a new environmental initiative presented by My Green Nappy.org
The 100 Green Promise Nappies Initiative: It’s a Giveaway Event!
Running during Winter 2010 from June 1 to July 15, The Green Promise Nappy Initiative is an online contest in which you can win a modern cloth nappy for your baby to wear. These nappies are donated to go out into the community and act as ambassadors for ‘nappy change’ as they dispell myths about modern nappies…
What better way to try out a Woddle Bots Stripe-It AIO than to WIN one?
Our Green Promise Nappy is a very green Medium Stripe-It nappy.
Register to play at My Green Nappy.org for a chance to WIN one of these special ‘Cloth Ambassador’ nappies!
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