What is your preferred way to purchase items??
Me, personally am definitely a set person. Everything in Kyla's cupboard is hang like a set, whether they are made as a set or I make her wear them as a set. Kaleb's was the same when he was younger but he now just messes it up or insists on picking himself, so no real point.
Some items of clothing I have been making and listing as sets, others I have only been making the top or a bottom with obviously the understanding that I can make something to match if people would like. But am wondering what the rest of the world prefers to buy their items like, hence the question.
Would you prefer to see products list as top/pant sets OR as individual tops & pants???
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5 days ago
Like you Krys I am a sets person too.
I'm a separates chick, but I like buying co-ordinating items... so more a 'DIY set' person.
BTW got my competition winner fabric yesterday - even better IRL - Love it - going to make table runner with it - thank you xx