Posted by Krysbrem 2 comments

Doesn't this look like something you could eat? Something you want to eat? Something you wish you had in your hands right now TOO EAT.....

Well even if you did have it in your hands you wouldn't want to eat it as it is actually soap. That's right soap from Cake of Soap

The online shopping site is still a work in progress but they can be found at fabulous markets in Perth, at the store in Fremantle and I am sure you could email for a older order.... Or I might even go shopping if I am bribed nicely.

I have several different kinds, that have been given as presents and one is even from a Wedding (where all the woman got cake 'soap'). They smell amazing and look so good I haven't actually used them. We have some plain blocks, or circles from them also that J used to clean his hands and it is AMAZING stuff.

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2 Responses

  1. Kat says:

    I saw them at upmarket last weekedn, aren't they just the cutest and OMG I could see someone taking a bite out of those for sure.

  2. Elisa says:

    omg, they look delish! lol